
Data Processing Service

Analyze a Larger Range of Formats

Key Features

Microservice Architecture

Rather than a monolithic application aiming to service all processing needs, Data Processing promotes tailored microservices that can be plugged into a deployment as required. The benefits of this approach include:

  • A consumer of Data Processing can decide which services their solution requires, thus avoiding unnecessary deployment and setup of irrelevant components. For example:
    • In a system that only ingests text documents, you would not need the OCR and Speech worker to convert content to text.
  • Each processing service maintains its own independent input queue and resource allocation. Data sources that require more time to process will not slow the processing of other, less intensive data. For example:
    • An hour long audio file requiring conversion to text will have no effect on the throughput of text or image files as the workflow will send the audio file to the speech worker’s input queue and the others to the text extract and OCR worker queues. While the speech worker is processing that audio file, the other workers continue processing their files and can receive new files allocated to them by the workflow evaluation.
  • New services are created independently of the overall Data Processing package, allowing for faster development, testing and debugging of a component. Integration into the larger suite occurs by following a defined pattern used with existing components. For example:
    • A new copy worker may be developed using the Document Worker Framework without setting up the other Data Processing components. Messages can be passed to this worker’s input queues through custom test tools and output is similarly verified. On completion of the worker, it may be included in the Data Processing suite and used as part of a workflow by setting up a ChainedActionType action to send a task to the input queue the worker listens on (with any settings the worker should utilize). As a result of being built on the Document Worker Framework the worker will have built-in support for determining the next worker it should send a task to by evaluating a workflow script if one is passed to the worker.

Elastic Scaling

  • Individual components scale up or down as demand for their processing type fluctuates, thus helping to facilitate efficient usage of resources. This scaling can be performed manually or by another service, such as the CAF Auto Scaler. For example:
    • When the current input into Data Processing is solely text files, you have no need of the speech worker. That service scale down to no running instances through observation of its input queue, which frees resources. When audio files begin to enter the system, messages routed to the speech worker input queue start to form a backlog, which is recognized and causes instances of the speech worker service to launch.
    • If the number of messages on the speech worker input queue increases faster than the output of the worker, then additional instances of the speech worker service can be launched and process messages on the input queue until the input rate decreases (at which point those additional worker instances can scale down).
  • Services are available as Docker containers, which allows launching instances across multiple machines and easily managing resource allocation.

Decision-based Processing

Using the Data Processing API and the workflow worker, you can control the operations performed on files using conditions against the data passed in as well as the result of any processing that has occurred to that point. This approach allows a single input entry point for data into the system and puts the responsibility of routing data to the first appropriate processing operation on the workflow worker. After this first decision a script representing the workflow is passed to all subsequent workers the message is sent to which allows them to determine the next processing that should occur. A basic processing workflow may consist of an action that:

  • extracts content for audio files using the speech worker.
  • extracts the content for image files using the OCR worker.
  • extracts the content for text files using the text extract worker.
  • finds the language used in the content.
  • sends the result to a message queue for another application to retrieve.

The Data Processing API supports a wide variety of conditions to control processing flow, with support for conditions against individual actions or a group of actions in a rule. More detail on the conditions available can be found in the Data Processing API here under models.

Integration with External Storage

Processing data often involves dealing with large pieces of data. To accommodate this requirement, Data Processing workers have support for references to data stored using an external storage implementation. Large data values and files themselves can be uploaded to a storage location and a reference to the stored data is then passed into the workers that will retrieve data and perform operations on it.

Variety of Processing Operations

The processing of data is supported through specialized workers. Some processing operations are only available with the Enterprise Edition, for details on obtaining an Enterprise Edition license please raise an issue here. Current features include the following.


Optical Character Recognition is performed on image files to extract text from images and place it in new fields. Enterprise Edition only.

Speech to Text

Audio files are transcribed to written text representations. Enterprise Edition only.

Text Extraction

The content of text-based documents is extracted. Enterprise Edition only.

Metadata Extraction

Metadata for files is extracted and added as fields in the data. Metadata includes:

  • Generic file metadata, such as name, size, and MIME Type of files.
  • File type specific properties, for example:
    • Email properties, like received data, sent date, to, from.
    • Image file properties, such as height, width, and bit depth.

Enterprise Edition only.

Binary Hash Generation

Binary hashes can be generated for each file processed and output in the collection of data for the file.

Expansion of Archives

Archive files can be passed in as a single file and then extracted with a specified depth setting. All processing operations are performed against extracted sub-files. Enterprise Edition only.

Entity Detection

Concepts like address, phone number, and social security number are detected and, optionally, obfuscated within documents. It is also possible to supply user-defined entities in addition to the built-in entities. Enterprise Edition only.

Content Redaction and Extraction

Regular expressions can be used to detect, redact and extract pieces of content.

Language detection.

Text can be analysed to detect and return the top three languages present.

Key Content Segregation for Emails.

An email conversation can have its individual message content separated, with support for defining the ranges that make up the primary, secondary and tertiary messages.

Email Signature Detection.

Support for the detection of signatures in email content and removal of signatures from that content.